2024/25 Spring Creek Communicator » June 28, 2024 - Spring Creek Communicator

June 28, 2024 - Spring Creek Communicator

Friday, June 28, 2024.


Happy Summer Holidays Spring Creek families!


A special thank you goes out to Whistler Garden Center for helping make the grade 7 leaving ceremony a special occasion. Thank you for lending beautiful greenery for the stage! Congratulations to the grade 7 class of 2024! We are so proud of you!

We are grateful for another wonderful year. If you are new to the community or are thinking ahead, please scroll for information below. Also remember to scroll down for PAC Corner updates, including hot lunch survey! Thank you.


First Day of School 2024-2025

The first day back is Tuesday Sept 3rd for one hour only 8:30-9:30am for grades 1-7. Students will go to their previous (this year’s) classrooms.

Kindergarten students will follow the schedule outlined here

First week of school:

8:30-2:40 with previous year’s class grades 1-7.


Class Placement

The first week of school students will be back with their previous year's teacher. Students who are new to the school will be placed in a classroom with students the same age as them for this first week back. New class placement for all students (K-7) will be announced on Friday September 6th. 


Bus Registration

Families must register for use of the school bus each year. Bus registration is now open and closes on July 31st. Further information on how to register can be found on the school bus webpage.


School Registration

If you wish to register your child for school during summer holidays, please use the online webform on SD 48 website until schools re-open on August 26th. From August 26th onward you may visit the school in person for registration. Please call ahead so we can ensure you bring the required documentation.


School Supplies

Teachers order school supplies for their classes. We ask that families pay the fee online when the item becomes available on SchoolCash Online, $45 for primary and $55 for intermediate. You do not need to pay this fee until the last week of August! More info can be found here



We wish you a safe and happy summer vacation and we look forward to seeing you September 3rd



Thursday June 27 2024


As the year comes to an end, we would like to ask you to take a quick minute to complete our hot lunch survey. 

The survey can be found here:


****Watch for exciting news regarding our hot lunch program next year****


And just like that another school year is over.

PAC has worked hard this year executing numerous fundraising and community building activities including:

·        The Welcome Back Café

·        Hot Lunch Program ****this program continues to be PAC’s biggest fundraiser****

·        Fruit & Veggie Program

·        Book Fair

·        Santa’s Workshop *we could not have had Santa’s Workshop this year without the help of Ms. Smith and all of her 6/7 students!

·       Winter Plant Sales

·        Literacy Day Raffle

·        50/50 draw

·       20th Anniversary Celebration

·        Art Gala Raffle

·        Year End Gelato Sale


The PAC executive team has worked closely with Karen and her staff as well as parents to utilize funds to support programs and classroom needs wherever possible.  Throughout the 2023/2024 school year PAC has provided funding and volunteers to support the following:

·        Cohort funding – each classroom (as well as learning resources, the library and fine arts) is provided with funding at the start of the year for classroom supplies, field trips, books, learning resources, year end celebrations, and more!

·        Welcome Back Cafe

·        1st week of school programing


·        Positive Behaviour Program

·        School wide cross country skiing field trips

·        Early literacy learning materials

·        Papa Josh music program

·        Staff appreciation

·        Bear talks with Michael Allen 

·        Fun Day freezies  

·        Grade 7 Leaving Celebration


None of our PAC programs would be possible without volunteers so THANK YOU to everyone who helped we appreciate you.

Our program coordinators included:

Aryn Brown – Hot Lunch

Kate Argall – Hot Lunch

Hayley Cianca - Pizza Day

Lindsey Ataya – Book Fair

Aryn Brown – Plant Sales

Kathleen Orr – 20th Anniversary Celebration

Natalie Percival - Art Gala Raffle + 20th Anniversary Celebration

Thank you to everyone of the volunteers who showed up and supported all our programming. Volunteers this year included:

Nola Cooper, Alicia Bailie, Karina Meik, Suzy Bates, Courtney Knight, Jamie Dowling, Mimi Morrissey, Freddy Jensen, Kyle MacDonald, Angie Winter, Brooke Weber, Michelle Hunt, Liza Walli, Shelly Bortolotto, Derek Bortolotto, Joanna Hanson, Tabitha Skoupas, Melissa Messier, Logan Gagnon, Clare Smith, Jackie Dickinson, Maz Esnouf, Stephen Da Corte, Laura Cofell, Sharada Clayton, Melanie Agsam, Danielle Cunn, lliana llieva, Nancy Huckvale, Mylène Pelletier, and Jacki Bissillion


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Follow our PAC Facebook page and get notified for upcoming PAC and school related events:


Join our Private Parents Group on Facebook and stay connected with the school and community of Whistler:
