Transportation and safety Spring Creek

Dear families,

I deeply apologize for what I have learned to have been some very significant and distressing communication breakdowns regarding bus transportation to and from Spring Creek Community School throughout the day yesterday. In the morning, both Northbound and Southbound buses experienced very long delays for reasons of road conditions and traffic congestion due to the accumulated snowfall. Drivers kept the bussing department informed at all times and I was also updated throughout the day on the location and safety of the children on the buses.

Unfortunately, these communications were not managed well between departments, and important updates were not shared in a timely, clear, and effective manner. As a district, we are reviewing communication protocols, and we will be taking steps to ensure this does not happen again. You can expect a follow-up letter from the district as they take this communication breakdown, and especially student safety, very seriously. Again, I am truly sorry, and we are committed to doing better. 


Kindest regards, 

Karen LaRochelle

Principal, Spring Creek Community School