Due to a shortage of school bus drivers, we will be unable to run the following Whistler Area bus routes:
Friday, November 24, 2023:
- Bus Route #5(WHITE)AM & PM:
AM: Alpine to Myrtle Philip Community School
Alpine and West Side to Spring Creek Community School
PM: Spring Creek Community School to West Side, Alpine, and Whistler Cay
Whistler Secondary School to Creekside, Spring Creek, Cheakamus, and Black Tusk
Monday, November 27, 2023:
- Bus Route #6(PURPLE)AM & PM:
AM: Wedgewoods, Emerald, Rainbow, to WSS and MPCS
Whistler Cay, Market Place, Village, Spruce Grove to WSS
PM: MPCS to Alpine, Rainbow, Emerald, and Wedgewoods
Whistler Secondary School to Rainbow, Emerald, Wedgewoods, and Whistler Cay
We understand that the bus cancellations due to the shortage of bus drivers continue to inconvenience the daily routines of our families, and we appreciate everyone's understanding while we navigate these challenging times.